 * The source location.
export interface Position {
    row: number;
    column: number;

 * Location range of the source.
 * (See also `mapWithRange()`)
export interface Range {
    start: Position;
    end: Position;

 * This error is thrown by `run()` when the parser fails.
 * Unexpected errors (e.g. "undefined is not a function") won't be wraped with this error.
export interface ParseError extends Error {
    offset: number;
    position: Position;
    explain(): string;

 * Judge if an error (or anything else) is a ParseError.
export declare function isParseError(e: any): e is ParseError;
export declare function calcPosition(source: string, offset: number): Position;
interface Failure {
    scope: Scope;
    offset: number;
    message: string;
declare class Scope {
    offset: number;
    name: string;
    parent?: Scope;
    constructor(offset: number, name: string, parent?: Scope);
declare class Context {
    offset: number;
    scope: Scope;

 * `Parser<A>` returns `A` when it succeeds.
export declare type Parser<A> = (source: string, context: Context) => A | Failure;

 * Run a parser. It throws ParseError when it fails.
export declare function run<A>(parser: Parser<A>, source: string): A;

 * Apply given parsers and convert the results to another value.
export declare function seq<A extends Array<any>, B>(map: (...args: {
    [I in keyof A]: A[I];
}) => B, ...parsers: {
    [I in keyof A]: Parser<A[I]>;
}): Parser<B>;

 * `seq($null, ...)` will return null.
export declare function $null(..._: unknown[]): null;

 * `seq($1, ...)` will return the first result.
export declare function $1<A>(a: A): A;

 * `seq($2, ...)` will return the second result.
export declare function $2<A>(_1: any, a: A): A;

 * `seq($3, ...)` will return the third result.
export declare function $3<A>(_1: any, _2: any, a: A): A;

 * Apply given parser and convert the result to another value.
export declare function map<A, B>(f: (a: A, toError: (message: string) => Failure) => B | Failure, parser: Parser<A>): Parser<B>;

 * Apply given parser and convert the result to another value along with the source location.
export declare function mapWithRange<A, B>(f: (value: A, range: Range, toError: (message: string) => Failure) => B, parser: Parser<A>): Parser<B>;

 * Only succeeds when position is at the end of the source.
export declare const end: Parser<null>;

 * Succeeds when one of given parsers succeeds.
 * Note that no fallback will occur if any one of them consumes even a single character.
 * (See also `attempt()`)
export declare function oneOf<A>(...parsers: Parser<A>[]): Parser<A>;

 * If the first parser fails, the second will be applied.
 * It looks similar to `oneOf()`, but it will say nothing about the first error when the second fails.
export declare function guard<A>(guarder: Parser<A>, parser: Parser<A>): Parser<A>;

 * When the given parser fails, offset will return to the first position
 * it started parsing, even if it consists of multiple parsers.
 * This can be used to force fallback in `oneOf()`, but overuse can lead to poor performance.
export declare function attempt<A>(parser: Parser<A>): Parser<A>;

 * Add helpful name (ex. array, object, ...) to given parser.
export declare function withContext<A>(name: string, parser: Parser<A>): Parser<A>;

 * Recursively declared parsers cause infinite loop (and stack overflow).
 * To avoid that, `lazy()` gets the parser only when it is needed.
export declare function lazy<A>(getParser: () => Parser<A>): Parser<A>;

 * Get string that matched the regex.
export declare function match(regexString: string): Parser<string>;

 * Skip a part of source that matched the regex.
export declare function skip(regexString: string): Parser<null>;

 * Succeeds if the rest of source starts with the given string.
 * The optional type indicates what that string means.
export declare function expectString(s: string, type?: string): Parser<null>;

 * Gets the string before the given pattern but does not consume the last.
export declare function stringBefore(regexString: string): Parser<string>;

 * Get the string before the given pattern and consume the last.
export declare function stringUntil(regexString: string): Parser<string>;

 * Gets the string before the given pattern or the end of the source.
export declare function stringBeforeEndOr(regexString: string): Parser<string>;

 * Do nothing
export declare const noop: Parser<null>;

 * Always succeed and return the constant value.
export declare function constant<T>(t: T): Parser<T>;

 * This can be used when the implementation is not done.
export declare function todo<A>(name: string): Parser<A>;

 * Parse many items while it is possible.
 * If the item parser *partially* succeeds, then the entire parser fails.
 * (See also `attempt()`)
export declare function many<A>(itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Parse zero or more items with given separator.
export declare function sepBy<A>(separator: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Parse one or more items with given separator.
export declare function sepBy1<A>(separator: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Parse many items until something.
export declare function manyUntil<A>(end: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Parse zero or more items with given separator until something.
export declare function sepUntil<A>(end: Parser<unknown>, separator: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Parse one or more items with given separator until something.
export declare function sepUntil1<A>(end: Parser<unknown>, separator: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;

 * Expect a symbol like `,`, `"`, `[`, etc.
export declare function symbol(s: string): Parser<null>;

 * Expect a keyword like `true`, `null`, `for`, etc.
 * Return the second argument if provided.
export declare function keyword<A = null>(s: string, value?: A): Parser<A>;

 * Parse integer with given regex.
export declare function int(regexString: string): Parser<number>;

 * Parse float number with given regex.
export declare function float(regexString: string): Parser<number>;

 * Skip whitespace (`\\s*`)
export declare const whitespace: Parser<null>;

 * Alias of `whitespace`
export declare const _: Parser<null>;

 * Parse something between symbols with padding (`whitespace`).
 * (Note: should be renamed to `between`)
export declare function braced<A>(start: string, end: string, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A>;

 * Parse something like `[ 1, 2, 3 ]`
export declare function bracedSep<A>(start: string, end: string, separator: Parser<unknown>, itemParser: Parser<A>): Parser<A[]>;
export {};